Raymond Pecheone
Raymond Pecheone, Ph.D., is the Co-Executive Director of the Stanford School Redesign Network and the Director of the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) program, a consortium of 18 California Universities that have joined together to develop a reliable and valid measure of teacher quality. Formerly, Ray was the Connecticut Bureau Chief for Curriculum and Teacher Assessment and developed the first performance-based licensure and inductions system for teachers in the nation. In addition, he co-founded INTASC, the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, and co-directed the first Assessment Development Laboratory for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Ray has helped to develop the design for revamping the New York State’s Regents Examinations, served as a consultant to the Council of Chief State School Officers and ETS for the development and validation of a performance-based assessment for school administrators (which is currently used by fifteen states), and consulted with numerous state education departments. Ray has published widely in the area of teacher and student assessment. Ray received is Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut.
Email Raymond Pecheone at pecheone@stanford.edu