NEPC Resources on Private Schools
Mark Weber (). NEPC Review: Fiscal Effects of School Choice: The Costs and Savings of Private School Choice Programs in America Through FY 2022 (EdChoice, October 2024). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Foundation, September 2024). Available at:
Joshua Cowen, Ryan D. Nowak (). How Can States Make School Voucher Systems More Accountable, Accessible, and Transparent?. Available at:
Huriya Jabbar (). NEPC Review: Helping Families Navigate the Changing Education Landscape (Cato Institute, June 2024). Available at:
Luis A. Huerta, Trevor Baisden (). Strengthening Oversight of Education Savings Account (ESA) Funding for Private and At-Home Schooling. Available at:
Joshua Cowen (). NEPC Review: The Reality of Switchers (EdChoice, March 2024). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: K-12 School Choice Calculator (Reason Foundation and EdChoice, January 2024). Available at:
(). ICYMI: NEPC’s Top Newsletters of 2023. Available at:
Amanda U. Potterton, Annah Rogers, Jeanne M. Powers (). NEPC Review: From Surviving to Thriving: K-12 Choice and Opportunity for Rural Texas Students and Teachers (The Heritage Foundation, August 2023). Available at:
David S. Knight (). NEPC Review: Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit: Economic Analysis (Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts, June 2023). Available at:
(). Evidence That Vouchers Are Cannibalizing Public School Budgets. Available at:
Kevin G. Welner (). The Outsourcing of Discrimination: Another SCOTUS Earthquake?. Available at:
Luis A. Huerta, Steven J. Koutsavlis (). NEPC Review: Fiscal Effects of School Choice: Analyzing the Costs and Savings of Private School Choice Programs in America (EdChoice, November 2021). Available at:
Jack Schneider (). NEPC Review: Accountability and Private-School Choice (Manhattan Institute, October 2021). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Education Savings Accounts: How ESAs Can Promote Educational Freedom for New York Families (Manhattan Institute, October 2021). Available at:
(). Five Myths About Education. Available at:
Derek W. Black (). NEPC Review: Religious Charter Schools: Legally Permissible? Constitutionally Required? (Manhattan Institute, December 2020). Available at:
Kevin G. Welner (). Reviews Worth Sharing: An Analysis of the Fiscal and Economic Impact of Georgia's Qualified Education Expense (Education Economics Center at Kennesaw State University, November 2020). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Unleashing Educational Opportunity: The Untapped Potential of Expanded Tax Credit Scholarships in Pennsylvania (Commonwealth Foundation, August 2020). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Comparing Ed Reforms: Assessing the Experimental Research on Nine K-12 Education Reforms (EdChoice, April 2020). Available at:
William J. Mathis (). NEPC Review: Ripple Effect: How Expanding School Choice Programs Can Lead to More College Graduates and a Stronger Economy (Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, January 2020). Available at:
(). Landmark Voucher Case Could Foster Discrimination and Further Lower the Church-State Wall of Separation. Available at:
Steven V. Miller (). NEPC Review: School Sector and Satisfaction: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample (Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, October 2019). Available at:
Joel Westheimer (). NEPC Review: The Case for Educational Pluralism in the U.S. (Manhattan Institute, July 2019). Available at:
T. Jameson Brewer (). NEPC Review: The Effects of Means-Tested Private School Choice Programs on College Enrollment and Graduation (Urban Institute, July 2019). Available at:
Gregory A. Smith, Suzanne E. Eckes, Julie F. Mead (). Education Interview of the Month: Greg Smith Interviews Suzanne Eckes and Julie Mead About Privatization and Discrimination. Available at:
Julie F. Mead, Suzanne E. Eckes (). How School Privatization Opens the Door for Discrimination. Available at:
(). Are Private Schools Really Better?. Available at:
Kristopher Nordstrom (). Reviews Worth Sharing: An Impact Analysis of North Carolina's Opportunity Scholarship Program on Student Achievement (June 2018). Available at:
(). Review Worth Sharing Identifies Flaws in NC Voucher Evaluation. Available at:
(). Apples to Aardvarks: WILL Replicates Erroneous Private School Findings. Available at:
Gregory A. Smith, Oscar Jiménez-Castellanos (). Education Interview of the Month: Greg Smith Interviews Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos on Education Savings Accounts. Available at:
Kevin G. Welner (). How Voucher Advocates Created a Blue-State Loophole to Trump’s Tax Law. Available at:
Oscar Jiménez-Castellanos, William J. Mathis, Kevin G. Welner (). The State of Education Savings Account Programs in the United States. Available at:
Jeanne M. Powers (). NEPC Review: Why Indiana Parents Choose: A Cross-Sector Survey of Parents' Views in a Robust School Choice Environment (EdChoice, September 2017). Available at:
Jennifer Jellison Holme, Emily Germain (). NEPC Review: Renewing Our Cities (EdChoice, March 2017). Available at:
Benjamin Shear (). NEPC Review: Apples to Apples: The Definitive Look at School Test Scores in Milwaukee and Wisconsin (Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, March 2017). Available at:
Christopher Lubienski, Ee-Seul Yoon (). Review of The Texas Economy and School Choice . Available at:
Christopher Lubienski, T. Jameson Brewer (). NEPC Review: Pluck & Tenacity: How Five Private Schools in Ohio Have Adapted to Vouchers (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, January 2014). Available at:
Sara Goldrick-Rab (). NEPC Review: The Effects of School Vouchers on College Enrollment: Experimental Evidence from New York City (August 2012). Available at:
Vaughn Altemus (). NEPC Review: They Spend WHAT? The Real Cost of Public Schools (March 2010). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). Private Schooling in the U.S.: Expenditures, Supply, and Policy Implications. Available at:
Ernest R. House (). NEPC Review: When Private Schools Take Public Dollars: What’s the Place of Accountability in School Voucher Programs? (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, March 2009). Available at:
Jaekyung Lee (). NEPC Review: Are Private High Schools Better Academically Than Public High Schools? (October 2007). Available at:
Christopher Lubienski, Sarah Lubienski (). NEPC Review: On the Public-Private School Achievement Debate (August 2006). Available at: