Omisión y Confusión: Six Ways Schools of Choice Advertise Their Approach to Teaching Emerging Bilinguals Newsletter October 25, 2022
NEPC Review: Language Counts: Supporting Early Math Development for Dual Language Learners (Bellwether Education Partners, October 2020) NEPC Review Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis March 2, 2021
This Approach to Teaching English Learners Works Better. So Why Aren't We Using It More? Newsletter May 7, 2019
Lost in Translation: English Learners, One Study, and the Dangers of Translating Research into Practice Newsletter April 25, 2019
Unz-der the Radar: The Quiet, Final Blow to English-First Language Policies Newsletter April 11, 2019
Research-Based Options for Education Policymaking - 2013 Collection Policy Brief William J. Mathis June 13, 2013
NEPC Review: Meeting the Needs of English Learners and Other Diverse Learners (May 2010) NEPC Review Janette K. Klingner October 5, 2010
NEPC Review: Has Progress Been Made in Raising Achievement for English Language Learners? (April 2010) NEPC Review Jeff MacSwan May 19, 2010
The Intersection of Race, Culture, Language, and Disability: Implications for Urban Education Resource Document Janette K. Klingner January 1, 2009
Fellows’ Education Letters to the President Policy Brief Peter W. Cookson, Jr. and Kevin G. Welner December 29, 2008
Promoting ELL Parental Involvement: Challenges in Contested Times Policy Brief Beatriz Arias and Milagros Morillo-Campbell January 28, 2008
Promoviendo la participación de los padres de estudiantes que aprenden inglés: Desafíos en tiempos de conflicto Policy Brief Beatriz Arias and Milagros Morillo-Campbell January 8, 2008
Supplemental Education Services under NCLB: Emerging Evidence and Policy Issues Policy Brief Patricia Burch January 1, 2007
NEPC Review: Immersion, Not Submersion, Vol III: Can a New Strategy for Teaching English Outperform Old Excuses? (November 2006) NEPC Review Jeff MacSwan December 14, 2006
The Special Education Referral and Decision-Making Process for English Language Learners: Child Study Team Meetings and Staffing Resource Document Janette K. Klingner May 9, 2006
English Language Learners Who Struggle with Reading: Language Acquisition or Learning Disabilities? Resource Document Janette K. Klingner January 18, 2006
Language Planning Challenges and Prospects in Native American Communities and Schools Policy Brief Mary Eunice, Romero Little, and Teresa L. McCarty January 1, 2006
Monolingual Assessment and Emerging Bilinguals: A Case Study in the U.S. Resource Document Kathy Escamilla January 1, 2006
Evolution of Federal Policy and Implications of No Child Left Behind For Language Minority Students Policy Brief Wayne Wright January 1, 2005
Voices from the Classroom: A Statewide Survey of Experienced Third-Grade English Language Learner Teachers on the Impact of Lang Research Brief Daniel Choi and Wayne Wright January 1, 2005
Academic Achievement of English Language Learners in Post Proposition 203 Arizona Research Brief Wayne Wright and Chang Pu January 1, 2005
Reform Florida Policy Brief Alex Molnar, Douglas N. Harris, Gene V Glass, Lisa Abrams, Madhabi Chatterji, Mary Lee Smith, Sherman Dorn, Tim Hacsi, and Victoria-Maria MacDonald January 1, 2004
When Should Bilingual Students Be in Special Education? Resource Document Janette K. Klingner and Alfredo J. Artiles January 1, 2003
Connecting with Latino Children: Bridging Gaps with Children's Literature Resource Document S. Nathenson-Mejia and Kathy Escamilla January 1, 2003
Critical Evidence: A Test of the Critical Period Hypothesis for Second Language Acquisition Resource Document K. Hakuta, E. Bialystok, and Edward W. Wiley January 1, 2003
Breaking the Code: Colorado's Defeat of the Anti-Bilingual Education Initiative (Amendment 31) Resource Document Kathy Escamilla, S. Shannon, S. Carlos, and J. García January 1, 2003
The Unintended Consequences of Colorado's Anti-Bilingual Initiative Policy Brief Kathy Escamilla and Kevin G. Welner January 1, 2002
Why Bilingual Education Policy is Needed: A Philosophical Response to the Critics Resource Document Michele S. Moses January 1, 2001
Assessing the Writing of Spanish Speaking Students: Issues and Suggestions Resource Document M. Coady and Kathy Escamilla January 1, 2001
Bilingual Means Two: Assessment Issues, Early Literacy and Two Language Children Resource Document Kathy Escamilla January 1, 2000