NEPC Resources on Student Achievement
Margaret Thornton (). NEPC Review: Think Again: Are Education Programs for High Achievers Inherently Inequitable? (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, October 2024). Available at:
David R. Garcia (). NEPC Review: Searching for the Tipping Point: Scaling up Public School Choice Spurs Citywide Gains (Public Policy Institute, October 2024). Available at:
Christopher Saldaña, Michael A. Gottfried (). NEPC Talks Education: An Interview With Michael Gottfried About Chronic Absenteeism. Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Foundation, September 2024). Available at:
Robert Shand (). NEPC Review: Systemwide and Intervention-Specific Effects of Denver Public Schools’ Portfolio District Strategy on Individual Student Achievement (Center for Education Policy Analysis, University of Colorado Denver, September 2024). Available at:
Bryan Mann (). NEPC Review: Ohio Charter Schools After the Pandemic: Are Their Students Still Learning More Than They Would in District Schools? (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, June 2024). Available at:
Eunice S. Han (). NEPC Review: The Broken Pipeline: Advanced Education Policies at the Local Level (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, April 2024). Available at:
Clara Fontdevila, Antoni Verger, Adrián Zancajo (). NEPC Review: Spark & Sustain: How All the World’s School Systems Can Improve Learning at Scale (McKinsey & Company, February 2024). Available at:
Clive Belfield (). NEPC Review: Public Education at a Crossroads: A Comprehensive Look at K-12 Resources and Outcomes (Reason Foundation, February 2024). Available at:
Amanda U. Potterton, Annah Rogers, Jeanne M. Powers (). NEPC Review: From Surviving to Thriving: K-12 Choice and Opportunity for Rural Texas Students and Teachers (The Heritage Foundation, August 2023). Available at:
Clive Belfield (). NEPC Review: Small Class Sizes for Improving Student Achievement in Primary and Secondary Schools: A Systematic Review (Campbell Collaboration, October 2018). Available at:
Matt Barnum (). Mark Zuckerberg Tried to Revolutionize American Education With Technology. It Didn’t Go as Planned.. Available at:
Alex Molnar, Faith Boninger, Anna Noble, Meenakshi Mani (). We Need Better Education Policy. Summit Public Schools Shows Why.. Available at:
Christopher Saldaña, Beth Schueler, Domingo Morel, David DeMatthews (). NEPC Talks Education: An Interview With Beth Schueler, Domingo Morel, and David DeMatthews About District Takeovers. Available at:
Emilie Mitescu Reagan (). NEPC Review: The Effects of High-Performing, High-Turnover Teachers on Long-Run Student Achievement: Evidence From Teach for America (Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, November 2022). Available at:
Clive Belfield (). NEPC Review: The Economic Cost of the Pandemic: State by State (Hoover Institution, January 2023). Available at:
Joshua Cowen (). NEPC Review: The Ohio EdChoice Program’s Impact on School District Enrollments, Finances, and Academics (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, December 2022). Available at:
David S. Knight (). NEPC Review: #StudentsFirst: Empowering Parents to Help Students Regain Lost Learning (The Buckeye Institute, September 2022). Available at:
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley (). NEPC Review: Pathways to Success: Exploring the Long-Term Outcomes of Alumni from Summit Public Schools (Summit Public Schools, September 2021). Available at:
Christopher Saldaña, Wagma Mommandi, Kevin G. Welner (). NEPC Talks Education: An Interview With Wagma Mommandi and Kevin Welner About How Charter Schools Shape Their Enrollment. Available at:
Edward García Fierros (). NEPC Review: Equity Elementary: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Staff in Public Schools (Heritage Foundation, October 2021). Available at:
Christopher Saldaña, Derek C. Briggs, Scott Marion (). NEPC Talks Education: An Interview With Derek Briggs and Scott Marion About State and National Test Results. Available at:
(). Opportunity to Learn Indicators: Why They Matter More Than Ever Right Now. Available at:
Kate Baca, Michelle Renée Valladares (). Centering Students’ Past and Present to Advance Equity in the Future. Available at:
Eunice S. Han, Yongmei Ni (). NEPC Review: Ohio’s Lost Einsteins: The Inequitable Outcomes of Early High Achievers (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, September 2021). Available at:
(). Spring 2021 Exam Results Are In. Now What?. Available at:
(). Five Myths About Education. Available at:
Christopher Saldaña, Sade Bonilla, Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales (). NEPC Talks Education: An Interview with Sade Bonilla and Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales About Ethnic Studies. Available at:
Samuel E. Abrams, Steven J. Koutsavlis (). NEPC Review: Florida Versus Kentucky: School Choice Improves Public School Performance, Too (Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions, May 2021). Available at:
T. Jameson Brewer, Joel R. Malin (). NEPC Review: Education Freedom and Student Achievement: Is More School Choice Associated with Higher State-Level Performance on the NAEP? (University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, March 2021). Available at:
Amy Cummings (). Making Early Literacy Policy Work: Three Considerations for Policymakers Based on Kentucky’s “Read to Succeed” Act. Available at:
Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis (). NEPC Review: Language Counts: Supporting Early Math Development for Dual Language Learners (Bellwether Education Partners, October 2020). Available at:
Carrie Sampson, Sarah Diem (). NEPC Review: The Third Way: A Guide to Implementing Innovation Schools (Progressive Policy Institute, October 2020). Available at:
Yongmei Ni, Eunice S. Han (). NEPC Review: Changes in the Performance of Students in Charter and District Sectors of U.S. Education: An Analysis of Nationwide Trends (The Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University, September 2020). Available at:
Ed Fuller (). Making Next Year Count: Equity in School Accountability (Bellwether Education Partners, Summer 2020). Available at:
(). The Misguided Push to Reintroduce Standardized Testing During the Pandemic. Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Comparing Ed Reforms: Assessing the Experimental Research on Nine K-12 Education Reforms (EdChoice, April 2020). Available at:
Mark Weber (). NEPC Review: Charter Schools in Newark: The Effect on Student Test Scores (Manhattan Institute, January 2020). Available at:
(). Patience Can Be Rewarded: RAND Report Demonstrates Promise of Embattled NYC Community Schools Model. Available at:
Jaekyung Lee (). NEPC Review: Fewer Children Left Behind: Lessons From the Dramatic Achievement Gains of the 1990s and 2000s (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, October 2019). Available at:
Yongmei Ni (). NEPC Review: Rising Tide: Charter School Market Share and Student Achievement (Thomas B. Fordham Institute , September 2019). Available at:
(). Data Walls Demoralize Students. Assessment Expert Lorrie Shepard Explains Why. Available at:
Robert Bifulco (). NEPC Review: Student Achievement in Florida's Charter Schools (Florida Department of Education, March 2019). Available at:
(). Review Identifies Flaws in High-Profile “Gold Standard” Study Used to Market TFA. Available at:
Andrew Brantlinger , Matthew Griffin (). Reviews Worth Sharing: The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach for America and the Teaching Fellows Programs (Institute of Education Sciences, September 2013). Available at:
Jaekyung Lee (). NEPC Review: The Effects of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program on College Enrollment and Graduation: An Update (Urban Institute, February 2019). Available at:
Madhabi Chatterji (). A Consumer’s Guide to Testing under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): What Can the Common Core and Other ESSA Assessments Tell Us?. Available at:
Amanda Datnow (). NEPC Review: The Opportunity Myth (TNTP, September 2018). Available at:
Amy N. Farley, Leah Chamberlain (). NEPC Review: Making a Difference: Six Places Where Teacher Evaluation Systems Are Getting Results (National Council on Teacher Quality, October 2018). Available at:
(). NEPC Fellow Douglas Harris Responds to Critiques of Study, and a Q&A on the Effect of New Orleans School Reforms. Available at:
(). School Poverty Rates: How High Before They Harm Students?. Available at:
(). These Comeback Kids Don’t Bake Cookies: The Community-Based Transformation of an Urban School. Available at:
Clive Belfield (). NEPC Review: Fiscal and Education Spillovers from Charter School Expansion (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 2018). Available at:
Beth C. Rubin (). NEPC Review: Systems for Success: Thinking Beyond Access to AP (The Education Trust, July 2017). Available at:
(). Are Four-Day Weeks Bad for Students?. Available at:
Kristopher Nordstrom (). Reviews Worth Sharing: An Impact Analysis of North Carolina's Opportunity Scholarship Program on Student Achievement (June 2018). Available at:
Julian Vasquez Heilig (). NEPC Review: Bigger Bang, Fewer Bucks? (University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, February 2018). Available at:
Christopher Lubienski, T. Jameson Brewer (). NEPC Review: Do Impacts on Test Scores Even Matter? (American Enterprise Institute, March 2018). Available at:
Gary Miron, Christopher Shank, Caryn Davidson (). Full-Time Virtual and Blended Schools: Enrollment, Student Characteristics, and Performance. Available at:
Chris Torres, Joanne W. Golann (). NEPC Review: Charter Schools and the Achievement Gap (Brookings Institution, February 2018). Available at:
Gregory A. Smith, Warren Simmons (). Education Interview of the Month: Greg Smith Interviews Warren Simmons About Systemic Change in Schools. Available at:
Francesca López (). NEPC Review: Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund: Final Report on Implementation and Impact of Pay-for-Performance Across Four Years (Institute of Education Sciences, December 2017). Available at:
Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Erica Frankenberg (). NEPC Review: Balancing Act: Schools, Neighborhoods, and Racial Imbalance (Brookings Institution, November 2017). Available at:
Michael Harwell (). Don't Expect Too Much: The Limited Usefulness of Common SES Measures and a Prescription for Change. Available at:
Mark Weber, Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: School District Reform in Newark (National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2017). Available at:
Patricia H. Hinchey (). NEPC Review: Teacher Absenteeism in Charter and Traditional Public Schools (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, September 2017). Available at:
Matthew Gaertner, Ben Kirshner (). NEPC Review: Lights Off: Practice and Impact of Closing Low-Performing Schools (Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO), August 2017). Available at:
Gary Miron, Christopher Shank (). NEPC Review: Charter Management Organizations 2017 (Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO), June 2017). Available at:
William R. Penuel, Michelle Renée Valladares, Elizabeth J. Meyer (). A Continuous Improvement Approach to Indicator Development . Available at:
Joydeep Roy, William J. Mathis (). NEPC Review: Back to the Staffing Surge: The Great Teacher Salary Stagnation and the Decades-Long Employment Growth in American Public Schools (EdChoice, May 2017). Available at:
Brea L. Perry, Daniel J. Losen (). NEPC Review: Understanding a Vicious Cycle: Do Out-of-School Suspensions Impact Student Test Scores? (University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, March 2017). Available at:
Gail L. Sunderman, Erin Coghlan, Rick Mintrop (). School Closure as a Strategy to Remedy Low Performance. Available at:
Sarah Cordes (). NEPC Review: New York Charter Schools Outperform Traditional Selective Public Schools: More Evidence that Cream-Skimming is Not Driving Charters' Success (Manhattan Institute , March 2017). Available at:
Benjamin Shear (). NEPC Review: Apples to Apples: The Definitive Look at School Test Scores in Milwaukee and Wisconsin (Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, March 2017). Available at:
Alex Molnar, Gary Miron, Charisse Gulosino, Christopher Shank, Caryn Davidson, Michael K. Barbour, Luis A. Huerta, Sheryl Rankin Shafer, Jennifer King Rice, David Nitkin (). Virtual Schools in the U.S. 2017. Available at:
Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Megina Baker, Wen-Chia Chang, M. Beatriz Fernández, Elizabeth Stringer Keefe (). Review of Within Our Grasp: Achieving Higher Admissions Standards in Teacher Prep. Available at:
William R. Penuel, Elizabeth J. Meyer, Michelle Renée Valladares (). Examples of Indicators Focused on Equity, Quality, and Climate. Available at:
Amy N. Farley (). NEPC Review: For Good Measure? Teacher Evaluation Policy in the ESSA Era (Bellwether Education Partners, December 2016). Available at:
Beth C. Rubin (). NEPC Review: High Stakes for High Achievers:
State Accountability in the Age of ESSA (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, August 2016). Available at:
Erica Frankenberg (). NEPC Review: Segregation, Race, and Charter Schools: What Do We Know? (Brookings Institution, October 2016). Available at:
(). Denver “Portfolio” Report’s Flaws Remain, Reviewer Confirms. Available at:
Terrenda White (). NEPC Review: A 21st Century School System in the Mile-High City (Progressive Policy Institute, May 2016). Available at:
Tina Trujillo, Marialena Rivera (). Review of Measuring School Turnaround Success. Available at:
Julia Daniel, Kevin G. Welner, Michelle Renée Valladares (). Research-Based Expectations for Implementation of the Community Schools Initiative in New York City. Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: School Spending and Student Achievement in Michigan: What's the Relationship? (Mackinac Center, April 2016). Available at:
Marshall Jean (). Review of 2016 Brown Center Report on American Education Part II: Tracking and Advanced Placement. Available at:
Julia Daniel, Jon Snyder (). Community Schools as an Effective Strategy for Reform. Available at:
Sharon L. Nichols (). NEPC Review: Lessons From State Performance on NAEP: Why Some High-Poverty Students Score Better Than Others (Center for American Progress , January 2016). Available at:
Julie F. Mead, Mark Weber (). Review of Special Education and English Language Learner Students in Boston Charter Schools. Available at:
Joseph Cimpian (). Review of The Effects of Test-Based Retention on Student Outcomes Over Time. Available at:
Kevin G. Welner (). NAEPscuses: Making Sense of Excuse-Making from the No-Excuses Contingent. Available at:
Arnold Danzig, William J. Mathis (). NEPC Review: Measuring Diversity in Charter School Offerings (American Enterprise Institute, July 2015). Available at:
Ben Kirshner, Matthew Gaertner (). NEPC Review: School Closures and Student Achievement: An Analysis of Ohio's Urban District and Charter Schools (Fordham Institute, April 2015). Available at:
Alex Molnar, Luis A. Huerta, Michael K. Barbour, Gary Miron, Sheryl Rankin Shafer, Charisse Gulosino (). Virtual Schools in the U.S. 2015: Politics, Performance, Policy, and Research Evidence. Available at:
Christopher Lubienski, Ee-Seul Yoon (). Review of The Texas Economy and School Choice . Available at:
Kevin G. Welner, William J. Mathis (). Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Time to Move Beyond Test-Focused Policies. Available at:
Jeanne M. Powers (). NEPC Review: No Excuses Charter Schools: A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence (University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, December 2014). Available at:
Kevin K. Kumashiro (). NEPC Review: Proposed 2015 Federal Teacher Preparation Regulations (U.S. Department of Education, December 2014). Available at:
Clive Belfield (). NEPC Review: The Economic Benefits of Closing Educational Achievement Gaps (Center for American Progress, November 2014). Available at:
Michael K. Barbour (). NEPC Review: Virtual Schooling and Student Learning: Evidence from the Florida Virtual School (Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance). Available at:
Francesca López (). NEPC Review: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature on the Effect of Charter Schools on Student Achievement (Center on Reinventing Public Education, August 2014). Available at:
Gene V Glass (). NEPC Review: The Productivity of Public Charter Schools (University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, July 2014). Available at:
Ed Fuller (). NEPC Review: Preparing Principals to Raise Student Achievement: Implementation and Effects of the New Leaders Program in Ten Districts (RAND Corporation, May 2014). Available at:
Tina Trujillo, Marialena Rivera (). Review of The Effect of Co-locations on Student Achievement in NYC Public Schools. Available at:
Sean P. Corcoran (). Review of The Economic Benefits of New York City's Public School Reforms, 2002-2013. Available at:
Alex Molnar, Luis A. Huerta, Jennifer King Rice, Sheryl Rankin Shafer, Michael K. Barbour, Gary Miron, Charisse Gulosino, Brian Horvitz (). Virtual Schools in the U.S. 2014: Politics, Performance, Policy, and Research Evidence. Available at:
(). Does Class Size Matter?. Available at:
Julian Vasquez Heilig, Su Jin Jez (). Teach for America: A Return to the Evidence. Available at:
Patricia H. Hinchey (). Review of An Opportunity Culture for All: Making Teaching a Highly Paid, High-Impact Profession. Available at:
Elizabeth DeBray, Huriya Jabbar (). Review of Two Presentations on the Portfolio School Model. Available at:
Bruce Fuller (). Review of The Lessons of No Child Left Behind. Available at:
Gregory Camilli (). NEPC Review: KIPP Middle Schools: Impacts on Achievement and Other Outcomes (Mathematica Policy Research, February 2013). Available at:
Katrina Bulkley (). Review of Mayoral Governance and Student Achievement. Available at:
Margaret Terry Orr (). Review of Two Articles on Principal Effects. Available at:
Dale Ballou (). NEPC Review: The Long-Term Impacts of Teachers: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood (January 2012). Available at:
Matthew Di Carlo (). NEPC Review: Myths and Facts about Value-Added Analysis (TNTP, November 2011). Available at:
Jaekyung Lee (). NEPC Review: Do High Flyers Maintain Their Altitude? (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, September 2011). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Incomplete: How Middle Class Schools Aren't Making the Grade (September 2011). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). Why Comparing NAEP Poverty Achievement Gaps Across States Doesn’t Work. Available at:
William J. Mathis (). NEPC Review: Florida Formula for Student Achievement: Lessons for the Nation (ExcelinEd, June 2011). Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Passing Muster: Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Systems (April 2011). Available at:
Marisa Saunders, Christopher A. Chrisman (). Linking Learning to the 21st Century: Preparing All Students for College, Career, and Civic Participation. Available at:
Derek C. Briggs, Ben Domingue (). Due Diligence and the Evaluation of Teachers. Available at:
Bruce D. Baker (). NEPC Review: Students in N.J. Charter Schools Outperform Those in Local School Districts, Data Shows (January 2011). Available at:
Elizabeth Dutro (). Review of Waiting for Superman. Available at:
Jesse Rothstein (). NEPC Review: Learning About Teaching (December 2010). Available at:
Jeremy Kilpatrick (). NEPC Review: U.S. Math Performance in Global Perspective: How Well Does Each State Do at Producing High-Achieving Students? (November 2010). Available at:
Edward García Fierros, Bridget Rooney (). NEPC Review: 2010 State School Report Card (October 2010). Available at:
Patricia H. Hinchey (). Getting Teacher Assessment Right: What Policymakers Can Learn From Research. Available at:
Madhabi Chatterji (). NEPC Review: Closing the Racial Achievement Gap (September 2010). Available at:
Julian Vasquez Heilig, Su Jin Jez (). Teach For America: A Review of the Evidence. Available at:
Jeff MacSwan (). NEPC Review: Has Progress Been Made in Raising Achievement for English Language Learners? (April 2010). Available at:
Katrina Bulkley (). NEPC Review: Fix the City Schools: Moving All Schools to Charter-Like Autonomy (March 2010). Available at:
Jaekyung Lee (). NEPC Review: Stuck Schools: A Framework for Identifying Schools Where Students Need Change - Now (Education Trust, February 2010). Available at:
Robert Bifulco (). NEPC Review: Connecticut's Charter School Law and Race to the Top (ConnCAN, February 2010). Available at:
Carol C. Burris, Kevin G. Welner, Jennifer Bezoza (). Universal Access to a Quality Education: Research and Recommendations for the Elimination of Curricular Stratification . Available at:
Patrick McEwan (). NEPC Review: Everyone Wins: How Charter Schools Benefit All New York City Public School Students (Manhattan Institute, October 2009). Available at:
Sean Reardon (). NEPC Review: How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect Achievement (September 2009). Available at:
Gerald W. Bracey (). The Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education, 2009. Available at:
Gary Miron, Brooks Applegate (). NEPC Review: Multiple Choice: Charter School Performance in 16 States (June 2009). Available at:
Derek C. Briggs (). NEPC Review: Charter Schools in Eight States: Effects on Achievement, Attainment, Integration and Competition (March 2009). Available at:
Robert Bifulco (). NEPC Review: The Impact of Milwaukee Charter Schools on Student Achievement (March 2009). Available at:
Gene V Glass (). The Realities of K-12 Virtual Education. Available at:
Jennifer Jennings, Sean P. Corcoran (). NEPC Review: An Evaluation of Teachers Trained Through Different Routes to Certification: Final Report (February 2009). Available at:
David C. Berliner (). Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success. Available at:
Jeffrey R. Henig (). What Do We Know About the Outcomes of KIPP Schools?. Available at:
Joshua Feinman (). High Stakes, but Low Validity? A Case Study of Standardized Tests and Admissions into New York City Specialized High Schools. Available at:
Edward García Fierros, Mindy L. Kornhaber (). NEPC Review: Education Olympics 2008: The Games in Review (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, August 2008). Available at:
Carol C. Burris (). NEPC Review: The Misplaced Math Student: Lost in Eighth-Grade Algebra (September 2008). Available at:
Christopher Lubienski (). NEPC Review: Promising Start: An Empirical Analysis of How EdChoice Vouchers Affect Ohio Public Schools (August 2008). Available at:
Gregory Camilli (). NEPC Review: High-Achieving Students in the Era of NCLB (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, June 2008). Available at:
Anthony Rolle (). Strengthening the Link Between Effective School Expenditures and State Funding Mechanisms. Available at:
Kevin G. Welner (). The Overselling of Growth Modeling. Available at:
John T. Yun (). NEPC Review: The Effect of Special Education Vouchers on Public School Achievement: Evidence from Florida's McKay Scholarship Program (Manhattan Institute, April 2008). Available at:
David Arsen, Clive Belfield, Marisa Cannata, Wendy C. Chi, Casey Cobb, Stephanie Evergreen, Gregg Garn, Christopher Lubienski, Julie F. Mead, Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, Gary Miron, Yongmei Ni, Stephanie Southworth, Jessica Urschel, Terri S. Wilson (). School Choice: Evidence and Recommendations. Available at:
Carol C. Burris, Edward W. Wiley, Kevin G. Welner (). Accountability, Rigor, and Detracking. Available at:
Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, Martha Bottia, Stephanie Southworth (). School Choice and Segregation by Race, Class, and Achievement. Available at:
Gary Miron, Stephanie Evergreen, Jessica Urschel (). The Impact of School Choice Reforms on Student Achievement. Available at:
Jaekyung Lee (). NEPC Review: Are Private High Schools Better Academically Than Public High Schools? (October 2007). Available at:
John T. Yun (). NEPC Review: Answering the Question That Matters Most: Has Student Achievement Increased Since No Child Left Behind? (June 2007). Available at:
Derek C. Briggs (). NEPC Review: State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia (February 2007). Available at:
Christopher Lubienski, Sarah Lubienski (). NEPC Review: On the Public-Private School Achievement Debate (August 2006). Available at:
William J. Mathis (). NEPC Review: The State of High School Education in Wisconsin: A Tale of Two Wisconsins (January 2006). Available at:
Sharon L. Nichols, Gene V Glass, David C. Berliner (). High-Stakes Testing and Student Achievement: Problems for the No Child Left Behind Act. Available at:
Wayne Wright, Chang Pu (). Academic Achievement of English Language Learners in Post Proposition 203 Arizona. Available at:
Gerald W. Bracey (). Education's 'Groundhog Day'. Available at:
(). The Impacts of Charter Schools on Student Achievement: Evidence From North Carolina. Available at:
Alex Molnar, Douglas N. Harris, Gene V Glass, Lisa Abrams, Madhabi Chatterji, Mary Lee Smith, Sherman Dorn, Tim Hacsi, Victoria-Maria MacDonald (). Reform Florida. Available at:
Janette K. Klingner, S. Ahwee, D. Van Garderen, C. Hernandez (). Closing the Gap: Enhancing Student Outcomes in an Urban Professional Development School. Available at:
Philip Smith, Alex Molnar, John Zahorik (). Class-Size Reduction: A Fresh Look at the Data. Available at:
Derek C. Briggs, Mark Wilson (). An Introduction to Multidimensional Measurement using Rasch Models. Available at:
O. Ruiz, M. Loera, Y. Rodriguez, Kathy Escamilla (). An Examination of Sustaining Effects in Descubriendo La Lectura Programs. Available at:
Alex Molnar (). Smaller Classes–Not Vouchers–Increase Student Achievement. Available at:
Grace Taylor, Damian W. Betebenner (). Inclusion of Limited-English-Proficient Students in Rhode Island's Grade 4 Mathematics Performance Assessment. Available at:
Lorrie Shepard (). Measuring Achievement: What Does It Mean to Test for Robust Understanding?. Available at:
Margaret Eisenhart, M. E. Graue (). Constructing Cultural Difference and Educational Achievement in Schools. Available at: