The Becoming Radical: Education Needs a Collaboration (Non-Competitive) Pact
“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget
that certain other sets of people are human.”
Huxley, Aldous. The Olive Tree. 1936.
While watching a documentary on schools recently, I felt that same uncomfortable feeling I do whenever I watch or read about this or that school “excelling”—notably the principal, but teachers as well, expressing how they have something different that is driving the school’s success.
Of course that claim caries the implication that other schools, teachers, and students are not doing that something different (hint: trying hard enough, demanding enough).
In this particular documentary, that something different included publicly identifying, labeling, and displaying students by test scores.
And while I have a great deal of compassion and collegial support for educators fighting the standardized testing craze corrupting U.S. public education, I feel compelled to note that many of those same educators turn right around and practice the same sort of tyranny with students—or quickly wave the testing data flag when their school seems to look good (although these claims of “miracles” are almost always mirages).
So here is a test we should all take.
Check all that apply: As a teacher or administrator in a school, do you …
[ ] use test scores to rank, compare, motivate, and/or shame students into working “harder”?
[ ] use test scores to rank, compare, motivate, and/or shame teachers within a department, grade level, or school into working “harder”?
[ ] use test scores to brag about your department, grade level, or school to parents or the media?
If any of these are checked, you have a decision: either stop complaining about high-stakes uses of test scores or stop doing all of the above.
If test scores are a flawed way to evaluate teachers and schools, they are a flawed way to evaluate teachers, schools, and students—and even when they work in your favor.
Thus, I recommend the latter choice above because education needs a collaboration (non-competitive) pact if we are to save the soul of our profession.
De-Testing and De-Grading Schools: Authentic Alternatives to Accountability and Standardization, Bower and Thomas, eds.
Competition: A Multidisciplinary Analysis, Worthen, Henderson, Rasmussen, and Benson, eds.
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