Diane Levin
Diane E. Levin, Ph.D. is Professor of Education at Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts where she has been training early childhood professionals for over twenty-five years. She teaches courses on play, violence prevention, action research and a summer institute on “Media Madness”. She leads an annual service-learning program for Wheelock students and alumni to Belfast, looking at on “How Schools Can Help Communities Affected by Conflict Heal: Lessons from Northern Ireland.”
As a longtime activist, Levin is a founder of Defending the Early Years (DEY), which advocates for the rights of young children for appropriate early education; Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children’s Entertainment (TRUCE), which prepares materials to help parents deal with the media and commercial culture in their children’s lives; and, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC), which works to education the public about and end the commercial exploitation of children.